Friday, September 30, 2011


I swear I'm going to get those pictures this weekend!  In the meantime...

Given is so in style.  Haven't you heard?  Polka dots are this fall's "must-have"!
Given had his one-month check up this morning!  He is 23 inches long and 10.5 pounds.  We have one tall, healthy boy!

This weekend we have a baptismal prep class, Given's first wine tasting at Ram's Gate in Sonoma, P&H fall release party, and dinner with Aunt Brooke and Uncle Randy in Napa!  I guess I'll be editing and uploading pictures on Sunday!


  1. Gray has that same onesie! Of course, the 2 G's are dressing alike! Have fun in Napa!

  2. Mr. G's social sched is more full than mine! /jealous

    Love the dots!
