Aren't these boys handsome!
Wesley (5), Gray (5 months), Given (2 months), and Carson (8)
(I think I have these ages right! Sometimes I can't believe Carson and Wesley are so old. I can't wait to be back in Texas to see my nephews more often. I miss them very much.)
Last week Given and I made the trip to San Angelo! Given got to meet his aunts Kelly and Summer and cousins for the first time. (Although we have Skyped often enough it didn't feel like the first time!) We also got to see Grandma and Grandpa again! While I was there I took a lot of pictures, but I think these will be surfacing as Christmas pictures so I'm going to keep them surprise for a bit!
Gray and Given played very nicely together! Gray is such a good sharer!
And in case you are wondering, Given did great on the plane! He slept practically the whole to San Angelo; however, on the way home he was just too excited about seeing his Daddy to sleep. That was challenging keeping him entertained, but I must say he wasn't screaming and disrupting other passengers. He is an angel!
Next up, Aunt Summer, Uncle Jake, and Gray are coming for Thanksgiving! We can't wait to see them.
I also have to say that I'm so ready to start decorating for Christmas!! If I had an artificial Christmas tree, it would be up already! I admit that I'm even considering buying one so I can get this party started!
While we were in San Angelo, Given turned 10 weeks. (Yes, he is wearing the same outfit in his 8 weeks picture...time to do some shopping!)